Isaac S Storm: The Drowning of Galveston
Why did Louisa Rollfing move to Galveston?
Why did Louisa Rollfing move to Galveston?

Why did Louisa Rollfing move to Galveston?
From the text:
Louisa came to America much later, as a young woman. She had lived on an island in the North Sea, but had grown restless. There was so much talk of America. It started when a man named Daniel Goos came back to the island to visit family and told everyone of his big sawmill in a place called Lake Charles, Louisiana, where he had a wife and children and a large home. He needed more workers. He offered to take sixty people back with him to America. He would guarantee them jobs and advance them money for their passage. Many people Louisa knew went with him and they in turn sent for brothers, sisters, cousins, and sweethearts, until it seemed as if everyone was headed for America. A cousin and his wife now lived in Lake Charles and wrote often, each letter arriving at Louisa's house in a huge yellow envelope that her father placed in the window, a beacon of adventure that drew Louisa and her siblings at a run. "Just to hear the word America caused an excited feeling," Louisa wrote.
Isaac's Storm, pg. 133