Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas, Ed., with an Introd. by Anton C. Pegis
What is the theme in Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas, Ed., with an Introd. by Anton C. Pegis by Saint Thomas Aquinas?

Confrontation avidance is another theme in the book. Aquinas does not directly confront any of the Arabian philosophers anywhere during the excerpts included in An Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas. However, in the very beginning, the editor pointed out that this was extremely important. The Arabians were performing some of their very best work during this time in history, the 1200s. It is not known from the work presented which of the issues included can be tied to Muslim or other Arabian philosophers. Aquinas endeavored to work within and to support his own tradition and to preserve the connection with the Pre-Christian Greek thinkers. As the comparison is not overtly provided, it is not possible to detect from 2008, which of the topics covered by the questions may have been matters clearly being pursued by the Arabians at the same time in history.