Into the Wild
Chris/Alex was guilty of hubris when he_____. Into the wild Jon Krakauer
Chapter 12
Chris/Alex was guilty of hubris when he_____.
and Commentary

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Chapter 12
Chris/Alex was guilty of hubris when he_____.
and Commentary
In Chapter 12, we learn that after graduation, Chris’s parents throw him a party, and he gives his dad an expensive telescope and a moving speech of thanks. He then leaves for his first road trip, which takes him across the country, and lasts until two days before the fall semester starts at Emory. He returns back thirty pounds lighter, and very scruffy looking. Near the end of his trip, he had gotten lost in the Mojave Desert, and almost died of dehydration. When Walt tries to encourage Chris to exercise more caution in the future, Chris bristles at this, and becomes even more unforthcoming about his plans.