In Particular
How does Elena Karina Byrne use imagery in In Particular?

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Jill W
In the second half of line 6, Byrne offers more language to try to describe this feeling of inspiration. As with the "swarm of bees," she uses similar types of animal imagery when she says "wild stir / of insects, flurry of birds." Again, these are both attempts by Byrne to express the all-consuming, sudden feeling of inspiration. The words "wild" and "flurry," just like the word "swarm," convey the sense of speed. Byrne's next image slows down the pace of this image: "one bone / of the earth shows through, night root / tightened within its ground." Whereas the animal imagery evoked images of sudden activity, the "bone / of the earth" image conveys a sense of stability and structure.
In Particular