'If I Forget Thee, O Earth . . . '
Who is Marvin's father in the novel, ‘If I Forget Thee, O Earth … '?

Marvin's father, one of the initial members of the colony on the moon, remains silent for most of the story. The narrator tells the story through the eyes of Marvin, who notices at one point during the journey to the dark side of the moon that his father is driving quickly and recklessly, as if he is trying to run from something. When they reach the spot where Marvin and his father observe the earthrise, Marvin sees the radioactive earth and understands why. Marvin's father has lived on earth, so he knows what he is missing by being forced to live in exile in the artificial environment of the moon colony. As they witness the earthrise, Marvin's father tells him the story of the atomic war that left his colony stranded on the moon and the struggle that they had to survive. More importantly, he impresses upon Marvin the importance of surviving and reproducing so that Marvin's descendants will someday be able to return to earth after it is no longer radioactive.