Iberia: Spanish Travels and Reflections
Who is Isabel the II from Iberia: Spanish Travels and Reflections and what is their importance?

Isabel the II was known throughout history as Isabel the Catholic. She was one of the greatest monarchs in history, though she is never given the credit that she deserves. She was very religious and wanted to ensure that Spain would be a unified nation under God. She managed the conquests of the New World with strict goals, yet the men that went out in her name did little to respect her wishes of converting all the natives to Catholicism. There was little she could do about it. She also allowed the Inquisition to sweep her nation of heretics after having expelled the Muslims and Jews. She wanted her nation to be completely unified and couldn't see this happening with people of other religions in her nation. She bore five children of which Juana La Loca is the most known because of her mental illness. She died before her husband Fernando, who remarried.