I'm Not Dying With You Tonight
How do Lena and Campbell complement one another

Lena is a smart, ambitious high school senior. She is one of the most popular girls in her entire class, and she is from a wealthy family. Her favorite thing in the world is fashion, and she wants to go to design school when she finishes with high school. She loves her boyfriend, Black, because he is sweet and sensitive when they are alone together. They have long discussions about his passion for music, and he encourages her to apply to different design schools so that she can be successful in life.
Campbell is very different yet balnces the traits of Lena. Campbell is a shy and timid high school senior. She grew up in Connecticut with her single mother. Campbell was always the poorest person at her middle-class high school, and she always felt embarrassed and ashamed to not have money when her friends would ask her to make expensive plans with them. Campbell ran track on her high school team and loved the feeling of being on a team with her best friends.