Hurricane Season
What do the young men from the morgue think about the Grandfather and how does Melchor make it clear that they are wrong?

By portraying Chapter VIII from the perspective of the Grandfather, Melchor is able to make it very clear to the reader whose viewpoint about the Grandfather's mental capacity is correct. The young men believe that the old man has gone senile because he purports to provide emotional care to the dead as he puts their physical bodies to rest. But the Grandfather sets the reader straight about the matter, with the narrator stating, "he'd only wanted to explain to the kid that you had to talk to the bodies as you buried them; because in his experience things worked out better that way; because that way the dead person felt a voice was guiding them, telling them how things worked, and this seemed to console them a little, to stop them from going off and hassling the living" (199).