Hurricane Season
How does Melchor manipulate tone types in Chapter II in order to suggest the true cause of Monolo Conde's death?

As in many other passages within the novel Hurricane Season, Melchor crafts a very specific type of tone to serve her purpose during a discussion of Monolo Conde's death in Chapter II. The narrator portrays Monolo Conde's two adult sons being met in the middle of the sugarcane fields by the doctor from Villa who had seen to their father. Though the doctor announced in no uncertain terms that Monolo Conde's death had been the result of a heart attack, it is clear that nearly everyone in town seized upon the idea that the Witch must have used her magic to create some sort of tasteless, odor-free, invisible poison to take the life of her longtime lover. By outlining the many facts that would have had to have been true in order for the townspeoples' suspicions about murder to have been correct, Melchor makes it clear that the possibility is highly unlikely, and is instead fueled by hatred and fear.