How to Steal a Dog
List of characters
I don't know

I don't know
Georgina Hayes is a girl who lives in Darby, North Carolina. After her father walks out on them, the family gets evicted from their apartment. Georgina must live with her mother and younger brother in the family car. Georgina, the narrator of the story, never reveals her age. She is a smart girl who usually does well in school. Unfortunately, her family problems change her attitude toward school. She stops submitting assignments but still loves going to school because it is the one normal thing she gets to do like other kids her age.
Mama works two jobs to try to save money to rent a new apartment. She works so hard that over the course of the story, her pants get so loose that they drag the ground. Mama and Georgina clash a lot because Mama gives vague answers and Georgina demands specific ones. She thinks Mama is not working hard enough to get them an apartment. Mama explains that Georgina does not know all the expenses required to move into an apartment. In addition to rent, there is a deposit, utilities, and other costs that Georgina does not understand. Mama faces two additional tragedies in addition to her husband leaving her and getting evicted. She loses her job at the dry cleaner, but finds a better one at a coffee shop. Her car breaks down, meaning that some of the money she has saved for rent will need to be used for car expenses. Luckily, Mookie secretly repaired her car, saving her money for rent.
Toby is Georgina's little brother. His character serves as the foil to Georgina. For all her plans, Toby always finds something his sister did not consider. Even though he is younger, he seems to be more open about the concepts of right and wrong. He is an advocate for WIlly right from the start, suggesting that they take her back to his rightful owner. Toby also worries a lot. He wants to please Mama, while Georgina rarely considers that notion. He worries about Georgina talking to strangers (Mookie), about her skipping school, and about her not taking Toby back to Carmella.
Luanne is Georgina's best friend, but the two girls grow apart as Georgina's homelessness continues. Georgina envies Luanne, who still gets to take ballet classes and be in Girl Scouts. Georgina had to give up both because of a lack of money and her new responsibility of caring for Toby after school. Georgina intentionally avoids Luanne so she will not have to answer questions about her homelessness. As time goes on and Georgina openly digs through the lunchroom garbage to get leftovers for Willy, Luanne laughs at her when other kids call her names.
Mookie's name is really Malcolm Greenbush. He is an eccentric man who rides a bicycle with a wooden crate duct-taped to it. There is an American flag hanging from a pole stuck down in the crate. Mookie does not have a job and camps out in different areas to avoid loitering. Mookie has two fingers missing from his right hand because of a tractor accident. He enjoys fixing things and is good with engines, home repairs, and other hand-man type chores. He often fixes things for free just to help people. He fixed Georgina's family's car secretly. Mookie has two important mottoes that he shares with Georgina: “Sometimes the trail you leave behind you is more important than the path ahead of you (132)” and “Sometimes the more you stir it, the worse it stinks (134).” Mookie shares the back porch with Willy for a few days. When Willy runs away, Mookie brings him back to the back porch for Georgina. Georgina sees him returning the dog and assumes he stole him. She realizes she is wrong and has offended Mookie, who left and moved on after that confrontation.
Liza is one of Georgina's classmates who seems to be taking Georgina's place as Luanne's best friend. When the three girls sit together on the bus, Liza speaks to Luanne, but not to Georgina.
Mr. White is Georgina's teacher. She respects him a lot after he takes up for her in class when she gives her volcano report. Georgina did no research for her report, but Mr. White called on her to read it aloud. All the students laughed at her simple report. He shushed them and thanked her.
Carmella Whitmore is Willy's owner. She lives on Whitmore Road. Georgina erroneously thinks Carmella is rich because the road is named for her; she thinks Carmella owns the road. In reality, just the opposite is true. Carmella lives in the old family house so she will not have to pay rent or a mortgage. She has a job, but no one other than Willy lives with her. When he is gone, she is very lonely. Carmella has some health issues with symptoms that include wheezing and chest pains. Willy is the smart little black and white dog that Georgina steals as part of her scheme. Willy belongs to Carmella and is her sole companion. Willy does not bark too much, does not bite, and is friendly. He is an easy target to steal. Gertie is Carmella's sister who lives out of town. The reader never sees her. Carmella calls Gertie several times to ask for a loan so she can offer $500 for reward money, but she refuses. Gertie thinks getting worked up over a missing dog is ridiculous.