How Much Land Does a Man Need?
How Much Land Does a Man Need
what does the story reveal about how we come to confuse what we want with what we need?

what does the story reveal about how we come to confuse what we want with what we need?
This is my favorite of all Tolstoy's work. How Much Land Does a Man Need is the story of farmer for whom nothing is ever enough. He's wealthy, but he wants more; he owns more than he could ever need, but he wants more; he surveys his possessions, but they are not enough. Pahom turns his back on God, and looks to himself.... he is a victim of his own greed, and as such, he becomes obsessed, irrational, and susceptible to the devil's trickery. In the end, Pahom gets all of the land he needs, land he bargained for with his life. Six feet from head to toe.
His servant picked up the spade and dug a grave long enough for Pahom to lie in, and buried him in it. Six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed.
How Much Land Does a Man Need