House of Sand and Fog
1. Who is Colonel Behrani? Describe the type of life he lived in his native country.
Who is Colonel Behrani? Describe the type of life he lived in his native country.

Who is Colonel Behrani? Describe the type of life he lived in his native country.
Colonel Bahrani was wealthy and powerful man under the command of Reza Shah Pahlavi, whose puppet government was set up by the United States during the Cold War. He and his family fled a week to the day after the Shah fled to Cairo in 1979. Of the $280,000 he took with him out of Iran, he has $48,000 left. He is now 56. Before moving to California four years ago, looking for an aerospace job, he had spent a decade in France. He is trying to keep up the appearance of his former prestige and wealth but is struggling by, only able to obtain menial jobs. He and his wife Nadereh (Nadi) have two children, Esmail and Soraya. Although the marriage between Behrani and Nadi was arranged, he thinks he would have married her anyway.
House of Sand and Fog