Heretics of Dune
What is Gammu?

The planet formerly known as Giedi Prime, Gammu has been repopulated from the planet Dan (earlier known as Caladan, the Atreides' home planet) after the Famine Times and Scattering. Gammu is the home world of Reverend Mother Darwi Odrade, who heads the Bene Gesserit Keep on Rakis, and of Duncan Idaho in his original natural birth. As a House Harkonnen slave world, Gammu acquires a bitter, oily smell that survives, despite reforestation. The old capitol, Barony - renamed Ysai - is dominated by a massive, ugly Harkonnen Keep, 950 stories, 45 X 30 km. of plasteel and armour-plaz. Much of the rest of the city is built up helter-skelter from scrap materials. Gammu has a yellow-green variant sun, a 31.27 standard-hour day and a 2.6 standard year. Atreides and Harkonnen genotypes are visible in the Gammu population, but few admit to it.