Heat and Light: A Novel
Can you please provide a example with this activity because I'm confused.
Characterization · For this Activity, you can use examples from the first and second assigned readings (pgs. 1-271). · Identify and analyze examples of 5 types of characterization as discussed in the lecture. · Cite character name, page or location, and the type of characterization · Explain the context fully: o What is happening in the novel when this occurs? o Where is it taking place? o What is going on? · Quote key words or phrases. Look for adjectives, metaphors, speech, etc. · Analyze the characterization within the novel. (min. 50w) o Do we receive this characterization from a particular point of view? o Whose voice is the characterization in? o What is the tone of the characterization? (Tone is another way of saying the implied attitude in the characterization. Mocking, sympathetic, satirical, etc.) o Most importantly, what does the characterization reveal about the character? § How are we as readers supposed to feel about him/her? § What does it reveal about the character’s personality? § Why this type of characterization for this particular character? Characterization 1 1.1 Citation Page/Location: Quotation: Type of Characterization: 1.2 Explanation 1.3 Key Words or Phrases 1.4 Analysis