Heat and Dust

Explain the phrase, "Things get mixed up in India."


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The phrase, "Things get mixed up in India," refers to the dichotomy of what things represent and the situation surrounding them. Baba Firdau's shrine is a great example. It was built to give thanks as a symbol of fertility for women. There does not seem to be a correlation. The shrine is on palace grounds which invites throngs of people for Husband's Wedding Day, yet the Nawab himself has no interest in the event or desire for the people to be there. This statement can also refer to the fact that the narrator is devoting a significant period of her life researching the life of a woman she is not even related to. In fact, Olivia left and dishonored the narrator's grandfather. Yet this Western woman is embracing an Eastern life more surely than Chid, who claims to be a sadhu.