Heat and Dust

Are Mrs. Saunders and Olivia similar, based on their first meeting in Section 8?


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Based on their first meeting in Section 8, Mrs. Saunders and Olivia have more similarities than Olivia would probably want to admit. Mrs. Saunders, after suffering the death of a child, seems completely absorbed in her own ill health and suffering. The woman is also easily offended by a servant's action of wearing shoes in her house that signifies disrespect. Olivia is also completely self-absorbed, although she doesn't have as powerful a reason as the loss of a child.Olivia is offended that the flowers she has given Mrs. Saunders are not on display and mentally categorized the woman as bleak. She finds it distasteful, rather than sad, that the woman speaks of her ailments since the death of her baby. So both women appear to be similar in that their main thoughts are on their own happiness and how others do or don't contribute to it.