Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Please explain in easy words Chapters 1 and 2.
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easy words
In Chapter One, the scene is an abandoned house in Little Hagleton where the strange deaths of three members of the Riddle family years before have given the house an eerie and haunted ambience. Tom Riddle, his wife, and son were found dead at the dining room table with their mouths and eyes open with the expression of sheer terror. Frank Bryce, the gardener, seeing a strange light, goes up to the house to see what is happening. Standing outside the door of the drawing room, he hears a conversation between two strangers, Wormtail and Lord Voldemort. In their conversation, they mention the murder of a woman called Bertha Jorkins and plans concerning the fate of Harry Potter. They are also in conspiracy over plans for the Quidditch World Cup.
Frank does not really understand any of this conversation, but feels the menace and evil. He is just about to run to the police when a huge snake appears behind him and communicates Frank's presence to the men in the room. Wormtail suddenly opens the door of the room. Sitting with his back turned, Voldemort addresses Frank, calling him a "Muggle." Due to Frank's ignorance of the term, Voldemort coldly explains that a Muggle is a human who is not a wizard. During the ensuing discussion, Frank confronts Voldemort and threatens to turn him into the police. Voldemort slowly turns to face Frank. The vision before him leaves the brave old gardener totally petrified. In cold blood, Voldemort waves his wand, and with a green light and a rushing sound, Frank drops dead.
Two hundred miles away Harry Potter wakes.
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