Summary of Hamlet, Act I, Scene i?

Scene 1 - On the ramparts of Elsinore Castle, the outgoing night watchman (Francisco) assures one of the incoming watchmen, Bernardo, that it has been a quiet night, although he (Francisco) is "sick at heart". Another of the incoming watchmen, Marcellus, arrives, accompanied by Horatio. As Francisco leaves, Marcellus and Bernardo begin explaining why they asked Horatio to join them. They are interrupted by the silent appearance of the Ghost, who leaves in spite of Horatio's demands that he stay. Conversation reveals that the Ghost has appeared twice before, and Horatio suggests that because of impending war between Denmark and Norway, the Ghost has come to warn them of danger. The Ghost reappears and seems about to speak, but disappears as the sun begins to rise. Horatio suggests that Hamlet be told of the Ghost's appearance, and the other soldiers agree.