Good in Bed
What is the author's style in Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner?

The point of view of the novel is first person. This is effective because it is the story of Cannie's inner journey, told from Cannie's perspective. This is important because one of the main themes of the book is how Cannie feels about herself and how this changes. This emotional growth would not have been so obvious if it was not told from Cannie's own experience.
The story is a blend of narrative and dialogue, which is also very effective. Cannie has many people in her life and the dialogue helps to propel the story and show how Cannie interacts with others. Cannie's narrative is also important, because she fills in important details and gives background information on things such as her relationship with Bruce and her history with her father.
Also included are excerpts of the articles that Bruce writes and the article that Cannie herself writes in the end. This is a great way to have a different voice included in the book, without deviating from Cannie's voice.