God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or, Pearls Before Swine
What is the author's style in God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or, Pearls Before Swine by Kurt Vonnegut?

The story of God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater is told in the third person. The author is the narrator and tells the story of the Rosewaters beginning with the amount of money that the Rosewater Foundation was based on. He explains the motives of each of the characters with Mushari, the main protagonist, being introduced early in the novel.
The well-written book exhibits Vonnegut's sense of humor and use of satire. The satire wouldn't be so evident if the book were written in the first person. There are many quotes in the book attributed to various characters, so the reader obtains their points of view on various subjects. The reader also comes to know the main characters, and their personalities and characters are developed in the various chapters. Many of the chapters focus on a specific character as the story is told.