Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
What experiences lead Ben Carson in the movie of gifted hands to become a doctor

There were many temptations and challenges for Ben that could have led astray. As a junior high student, Ben falls under peer pressures and demands "cool" clothes to fit in with the other kids. He develops an attitude for a short period and his grades begin to suffer; but his mother does not give up on him nor on her goals for her sons to succeed and climb out of the ghetto. Sonya inspired Ben's strong Christian beliefs which he maintains his whole life. So many times when Ben is up against impossible odds, he prays to God and always finds his way through them.
Ben begins to believe in himself and works hard at becoming one of the best kids in class in junior and senior high school. Although he faces racial prejudice and ridicule from some classmates and even some teachers, Ben perseveres always hearing his mother's words in the back of his head. Due to his outstanding academic achievements and his high SAT scores, Ben is sought out by the best schools in the country. Ben finally settles on the prestigious Yale University where he receives a full academic scholarship. Very early own Ben knows that he will be a doctor—there is never a doubt about his career from that point on.