How does Irene react to the new order imposed by this society? Vincent's girlfriend

Initially, Irene is a product of the society in which she lives. At the start of the film, she firmly believes that valids are superior, and that a person’s strength of character can be calculated by their genetic makeup. Vincent comments that this lifestyle has made her miserable, as he confronts her “You are the authority on what is not possible, aren't you Irene? They've got you looking for any flaw, and after a while that's all you see.” Her perspective drastically changes when she learns that the person she knew as Jerome Morrow was actually Vincent, an invalid in disguise. This shocking revelation causes her to reassess the importance of genes. This is clearly seen when Vincent hands her a strand of his hair and tells her to have it tested, to see if she still wants to be with him once she learns of his genetic shortcomings. Irene immediately throws the hair away, signifying that she now loves Vincent despite the fact that he is an invalid. Hence, throughout the film, she has come to realize that a person’s character is more important than their genetic code.