Galatea 2.2
What is the setting of Galatea 2.2 by Richard Powers?

The main setting is at the Center for the Study of Advanced Sciences at the university in the town of U. This is the location of the lab in which Lentz and Richard construct and train the machine that will compete against a grad student in the process of interpreting literature. It is at the school where Richard completes his Masters degree in Literature.
Another place of importance is the town of E. in the Netherlands. C. moves there to rejoin her parents when it becomes clear to her that she needs to be around her family. Richard joins her there and is able to complete his third book. It is here that Richard and C. learn of Taylor's illness and subsequent death. Richard and C. end their relationship here and Richard returns to the U.S.
Richard and C. spend their first year together in the town of B. Richard works as a programmer and C. is a guard at the local museum of fine arts. They share an apartment and furnish it with second hand cast-offs.
C. grows up in Chicago with her family. The city becomes the setting for Richard's first book, a compilation of the stories that C. tells him.
Galatea 2.2