Frightful's Mountain

What are five important moments in Frightful's life?

*5 moments, *the background of what happened in frightful life,*what lead to the important moments you are describing, *how does the character feels about what is going on and a *prediction of what does my character think will happen next!

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1) Frightful establishes a relationship with Sam.

2) Frightful befriends and becomes Chup's mate, as well as the adoptive mother to Drum, Lady, and Duchess.

3) Frightful doesn't migrated and is electrocuted on a utility pole. She is cared for by Jon and Susan Wood.

4) The Woods set Frightful free, she searches for Sam, and then she builds a nest on the Delhi Bridge. She mates with 426 and lays three eggs.

5) A construction crew arrives to do work on the bridge. Frightful is afraid of the workers, but she refuses to leave. Eventually the eggs hatch. Poachers, Bate and Skri, take two of the babies. The poachers are caught, the babies are raised at the summer lodge, and Frightful raises the remaining baby with Sam on the mountain.


Frightful's Mountain