Friday Night Lights
I need two quotes about Boobie?
Boobie's character in Friday Night Lights?

Boobie's character in Friday Night Lights?
From the text:
L.V. still had inescapable visions of his nephew-Boobie Miles as the best running back in the history of Permian High School, Boobie as the best high school running back in the whole damn state of Texas, Boobie as belle of the ball at Nebraska or Texas A & M or one of those other fantastic college casinos, Boobie as winner of the Heisman. He couldn't get those dreams out of his head, couldn't let go of them. And neither, of course, could Boobie.
He desperately wanted to perform well against Midland Lee, to break tackle after tackle, to be Boobie once again. He didn't seem like a high school football player at all, but an aging prizefighter who knew that if he didn't get a knockout tonight, if he didn't turn his opponent's face into a bloody pulp, if he didn't sting and jab and show the old footwork, he was done, washed up, haunted forever by
the promise of what could have been. Could he regain his former footing as a star? Or at the age of eighteen, was he already a has-been?