Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders
In 'The Day the Saucer's Came' why does the person in the poem not notice such incredible events?

The person in the poem is waiting for a phone call from the poet. He or she is so completely absorbed in their own anxiety, or perhaps worry or excitement, that everything else goes unnoticed. Since all the things mentioned in the poem are typical events of movies and stories, this suggests that sometimes real life is far more compelling than any story. It is these little ordinary concerns that can really affect or change a person's life, not the fantastical things that authors make up. For the person in the poem, the end of the world does not rest on zombies, aliens, or magic, but on one phone call. This points out how enormous such simple things can be in a person's life. It would feel like the end of the world if the poet did not call.