Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders

How do the characteristics and personalities of the months in the story 'October in the Chair' reflect the different months of the year?


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In 'October in the Chair' the different months' personalities and characteristics reflect the months they are named after. April is sensitive but also a little mean, which reflects the idea of a springtime month full of sudden showers. June is hesitant and shy, as she is the month in which summer is just beginning. Later summer months seem more sure of themselves. September is more sophisticated than August, because August is a time for barbecues and beer but September is about long summer evenings and fine wines. October is kind and a good storyteller. His month is full of holidays and good cheer. His story is about a boy who meets a ghost, which is appropriate because October has Halloween in it. November is not as friendly as October and his stories are darker, reflecting how November is a colder month in which the year is moving towards winter. The way the months look also reflect the months of the year, such as October's beard which has all the colors of autumn in it.