Foundation and Earth

Who is Hiroko from Foundation and Earth and what is their importance?

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Hiroko is the woman who greets the Far Star when they land on the inhabited planet Alpha Centauri, in the country known as New Earth. Her mother's name is also Hiroko. Her father is Smool, though she says that she never knew him. As soon as she finds an older woman to stay with Bliss and sends Pelorat to talk with an elderly man, she invites Travize to her home for sex. It's not until later that Travize finds out that she's infected him with a deadly virus for which the people of her world have become immune. Travize learns that the virus is inactive until activated by a vote of the people and that they plan do to that the following day, prompting Travize and his friends to sneak away during the night. Hiroko says that she made the decision to warn them because of Fallom's musical ability with the flute.