Five Survive
What happened in chapter two
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In Chapter 2, Red’s stomach growled. She took a handful of chips from a bag on the table. Simon Yoo, whose uncle had loaned them the RV, reminded the others that they owed him money for the snacks he had bought. Maddy assured Red that she would cover her part of the snack money.
Red thought of how Maddy lived in a warm house and did not have to worry about money. Red slept wearing layers of clothes and was still cold. She had a plan, though, that would help things improve soon.
Meanwhile, Arthur Moore, the boy on whom Red had a secret crush, admitted he did not like tight spaces. Red reminded him they were spending a week in the RV. Arthur asked Red about the checklists she had written for herself on her hands. He put a checkmark in the box beside “pack” (14) because she had completed packing. Red felt fireworks in her stomach from his touch.