First Rule of Punk
What is chapter 22 summary for first rule of punk
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In Chapter 22, Malu and Magaly go to Senora Oralia's for dinner. Joe is there with his parents. (Ana is Joe's mother and Senora Oralia's daughter.) They begin discussing food, and someone asks Malu if she likes spicy food. Magaly says Malu “didn't inherit the Mexican taste buds” (184). Malu feels uncomfortable until Mr. Hidalgo says he also does not like the spicy foods. Malu takes a bite of the chilaquiles, but it is too spicy and she has to drink milk to counter it. Ana has a vegan dessert and there is another conversation about how a tres leches (which means “three milks”) can actually be made as a vegan dish, meaning there is no milk. Senora Oralia is skeptical, and Malu recognizes the look on Ana's face, indicating she has heard similar complaints from her mother before.
The conversation turns to Ana's youth, and her mother talks about a time when she was called to the police station because of Ana's actions. When they explain the full story, it is not as serious as it initially sounded. When Ana was in high school, there was a strict dress code for homecoming. Ana felt it excluded students who could not afford to meet the requirements. She and some friends planned an alternative event, but they failed to get permission from a property owner and the police shut it down, calling all the parents to pick up their children. Magaly says Senora Oralia must have been worried when the police called. She agrees that they sometimes had their differences, but “I always told her to stand up for what she believes in” (190). Magaly seems to think this over and realizes that she left her family to attend college, a choice that was frightening and not well-received. Later, Malu thinks about Ana's protest against the homecoming dance, and comes up with an idea. She tells Joe that the Co-Co's need to meet the next day, but does not give him the details of her plan.