First, Do No Harm
Who is Javier Aceves from First, Do No Harm and what is their importance?

Javier Aceves is Patrick's pediatrician. Javier once considered become a Jesuit priest before becoming a doctor. He did not take up the priesthood because he wanted to have his own family and entered medical school in Mexico City. Weeks before his residency, one of Javier's twins, a two year old named Francisco (known as Paco), developed cancer, causing Javier and his family to move back to Mexico. Paco's doctors offered his residency at Anderson hospital in their pediatrics program. Javier was able to see his son, who survived, but he was burdened by the others who didn't make it. He had to become accustomed to giving parents bad news because of his position; as Belkin notes: "Javier's patients will never get better, and that emotional drain is more than many pediatricians are prepared to accept" (37). Javier has dealt with this pain by creating an independent clinic within the hospital knows as CHOSEN - Chronic Health Oriented Services for NiƱos.