Feminist Theory from Margin to Center
What is the author's style in Feminist Theory from Margin to Center by Bell Hooks?

The book is quite linear in structure, essentially consisting of a series of essays exploring a particular manifestation of the central theme (see "Themes - The Necessity for / Value of Feminist Movement). Within each essay, the author follows a similar pattern - she sets out the thesis of that particular chapter (how its subject relates to the central theme), and briefly explores her prime sub-theme (how early feminism was flawed in relation to its consideration of that chapter's subject). The main body of each chapter is taken up with exploration of the ways that chapter's subject is experienced in contemporary American society and how feminist movement can, could, and should change that experience. Each chapter concludes with a paragraph summing up what has been presented. This clarity, specificity and uniformity of structure is undeniably academic in flavor. There is the sense of "dissertation" about the work, a sense heightened by the extensive footnoted quotes throughout (the book is both thesis, development of personal ideas, and synthesis, incorporation and analysis of the ideas of others).
Feminist Theory from Margin to Center