Fallen Angel
How does Yolen describe the angel in the novel, Fallen Angel?

Yolen builds her presentation of the angel with phrases such as "The angel had opened one eye. It was sky blue and perfect." Almost everything about the angel is perfect, and it has intimidating powers of perception beyond what humans normally have: What the angel saw with that one eye was this: a twelve-year-old girl with hair the color of a mouse's back, who had the day before sneaked a drag on a cigarette and hated it, but lied to her friends saying she liked it a lot, and worried more about that lie than the one puff; a ten-year-old boy, his hair cut in a rattail, who had called his older sister a forbidden name the night before to his friends and was feeling awful about it because actually he secretly admired her; a girl age seven, in braids, who had taken her sister's favorite comb but had only the slightest guilt associated with it since she was planning to give it back, so the angel could not tell the size or shape of the comb. All this the angel saw in a blink of his perfect eye.
Fallen Angel