Every Soul a Star
I need an summary for 1-93 pages of Every soul a Star
lol i just need an essay is 3rd person about 1-93 of every soul a star plz this hard hard

lol i just need an essay is 3rd person about 1-93 of every soul a star plz this hard hard
I'm sorry, this is a short-answer forum desgined for text specific questions. We are unable to provide students with essays. BookRags, however, has complete summaries and analysis for each chapter in the novel. Below, you will find the analysis for Chapter One.
Chapter "1" introduces the three main characters, Ally, Bree, and Jack, who seem to be wholly unaware of one another. Each of their three chapters introduces themselves and their basic outlook. They're all under fourteen and tell the reader about their families, from whom they are all somewhat alienated. Ally gets along with her parents, but is totally isolated from the rest of the world. Bree is less intelligent and much more beautiful than the rest of her family and they do not take her aspirations of being a model seriously. Jack is fat and pudgy and jealous of his athletic brother. Ally is the only of the three children who is interested in nature and the eclipse that is coming. Bree and Jack hardly care at all, as they do not even mention it. The reader learns from the dialogue that there are three children with their own outlooks on life who seem to be connected only by their stage in life and common astronomical events.