Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan

What was Esperanza like in the beginning of the book, the middle, and the end?

In the book Esperanza Rising, the main character, Esperanza, changes from the beginning of the book to the end of the book.

Write a description of how Esperanza, changed in the book. Be sure to use specific details from the book as evidence of this character’s transformation. Consider her attitude and appearance in the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

What was Esperanza like in the beginning of the book, the middle, and the end?

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This is only a short answer space but I can make a general comment. Esperanza grows up in Mexico on a vineyard with her parents, grandmother, and a large staff. Nearing her thirteenth birthday, she is excited about things relating to the future she assumes to have that will begin with her Quinceaneras, or coming of age party, that happens in two years when she turns fifteen. This includes the ability to wed and begin to become the head of a household, and the parties are very important to young Mexican girls her age. She has black hair that is wavy and thick, much like her mother's. While her lashes are the color of her hair, her skin is fair and creamy. At the beginning of the story she is shown in beautiful hand made dresses. As the story opens Esperanza is a spoiled child, who expects everyone to take of her, but she soon realizes how the loss of her wealth forces her to change and to become more responsible. Her looks and dress also change, as she begins to wear second hand clothes and changes her hairstyle to be able to wear hats while she works.