Enduring Love
can anyone tell me the plot (in as much detail as possible) to the novel " enduring love " by Ian McEwan ? thank you x

Chapter 1 - Main Character Joe Parry is enjoying picnic with wife Clarissa. They witness a ballooning incident and Joe runs to help. Four other men run to help; Toby Greene, Joesph Lacey, Jed Parry and John Logan. John Logan dies by falling from the balloon.
Chapter 2 - McEwan introduces the reader to the character Jed Parry.
Chapter 3 - Joe and Clarissa return home. While in bed, the phone rings and Joe answers. The dialler is Jed Parry. He tells Joe he loves him. Joe lies to Clarissa and tells her it was a wrong number.
Chapter 4 - Reader starts to see Joe as the 'scientist' more clearly. Joe starts to become paranoid about Jed and believes he sees him following him in the library. This is due to seeing a flash of trainers with red laces.
Chapter 5 - Small chapter describing Joe and Clarissa's relationship.
Chapter 6 - Joe tells Clarissa about the phonecall and being followed. Clarissa is dubous and is at first amused. However, she is concered about Joe's anxiety. Clarissa leaves and Jed calls Joe. He asks to meet him and Joe agrees.
Chapter 7 - focuses on Jed's love of Joe. Here we see Jed telling Joe about his love for him and his certainty that Joe loves him back.
Chapter 8 - Jed corners Joe again. Joe phones police but they do nothing and say that he doesnt have a proper case as there is no harm involved.
Chapter 9 - Chapter written by Joe but he writes it from Clarissa's perspective. They both have an argument as Joe is trying to talk to her and she had a 'bad day'. Clarissa believes the problem is with Joe not Jed. Joe storms out shouting 'Well fu*k off then!'
Chapter 10 - Joe believes it is Jed that is coming between his relationship with Clarissa. Jed stops Joe again in the street. His emotions are all over the place and he starts blaming Joe. He becomes aggressive believing Joe is teasing him.
Chapter 11 - First letter from Jed to Joe. This chapter we see from Jed's perspective.
Chapter 12 - Joe reflects on his discontent with his profession. Clarissa tells of Joe of her suspisions that Joe wrote the letter himself as she states 'his writing is rather like yours'. When Clarissa leaves he enters into her study. He uses the excuse that he needs a stapler to convince himself thats he is not doing anything wrong. he l;ooks through her letters but does not find anything. The chapter ends with him visiting Mrs Jean Logan, wife of John Logan; the man who died.
Chapter 13 & 14 - Visits Jean Logan. Discovers that she belived her husband was having an affair with a woman. She belived he died because he was trying to show off to the woman. Jean found on the scene a womans scarf in the car and two doors open. He associates De Clerambault syndrome with Jed.
Chapter 15 - When Joe returns home he finds Clarissa waiting for him as she discovere dthat he had been searching her desk.
Chapter 16 - The second letter from Jed to Joe. Again, this chapter is from Jed's perspective.
Chapter 17 - Clarissa declares that she belives Joe is 'manic and perversely obsessed'. Joes self-image is negative. He realises he is on his own when Clarissa declares taht she is goiing to sleep in another room.
Chapter 18 - Joe collects evidence against Joe. He goes back to police who do not help him again.
Chapter 19 - Clarissa's birthday. They both go to a resturant together with Clarissa's godfather. Joe aknowedges that his sorbet was 'lime' flavoured. Man shot someone at the resturant. Joe realises that Jed Parry had got the wrong man and he was actually the target.
Chapter 20 - Police Sation. Joe tells police officer that his sorbet was 'apple'. Policeman states he does not Jed Parry is behind this incident and suggests Joe needs help. The chapter ends with Joe contacting a friend a stating 'I need a gun'.
Chapter 21 - Joe goes to get a gun from a house. As they leave Joe gets a call from Jed Parry telling him that he is at his place 'with Clarissa'.
Chapter 22 - Joe gets home and sees Jed with Clarissa tied up. Jed starts to put a knife to his own throat. Joe shoots at Parry.
Chapter 23 - A letter from Clarissa to Joe. This chapter is from Clariss'a perspective. It is conciliatory yet it shows how they still have very different views. It is somewhat fustrating.
Chapter 24 - Joe offers new information to Mrs Logan. Her husband was not having an affair. He was helping a professor have an affair with a student who were in love.
Appendix 1- This is written as if from a scientfic perspective. (actually the authors of this report is an anagram for the name 'Ian McEwan') It describes what De Clerambaults symdrome is etc..One line tells us that Joe and Clarissa got back together and adopted a child.
Appendix 2 -A letter from Jed to Joe from his third year of admittance at a psychatric ward.