what are the setting?

what are the setting?
The sanctuary is the place Sophie's mother has established to house and care for bonobos. The goal is to get them to the point that they can survive on their own at the wild bonobo preserve in a more remote region. The sanctuary is an abandoned school and the very young bonobos are cared for in the kindergarten area. There is a mural on the wall and additional enclosures nearby. Pweto's small area is on the grounds as well as an over-sized enclosure where the majority of the adult bonobos live. The other large building on the grounds is used as administrative offices. This is where Sophie and the others are when they learn the severity of the situation and that Sophie will soon be taken to the airport to leave the country.
This is a bonobo sanctuary outside the populated areas where the bonobos are released when they are deemed capable of living on their own. The area is surrounded by elecric fences and water. When Sophie returns as an adult, she goes to the water side of the island and finds Otto; but, she doesn't approach him from there. He later comes near their camp site and sleeps just on the other side of the fence. The preserve is designed to keep people out and the bonobos know that they shouldn't touch the electric fence.
Kinshasa is the town where Sophie's mother lives and where Sophie lives after the war. This large city is the government's capitol. There are markets and all the places typical of a large city of the region. There are only a few descriptions of specific places in the city. One of those is the president's home where Sophie and her mother find most of the bonobos have taken up residence after the war.
Mbandaka is a war-torn town near the wild preserve where the bonobos are released. The town is in the hands of the military when Sophie and Otto wind up there. There is no real law in place. As a result, Sophie is in danger the entire time she's there. There are a few specific descriptions given about the town. Sophie climbs up on the roof of a decrepit house to get a view of the town's layout in order to rescue Otto. She later enters the house where Otto is being held by a young military leader.
Sophie lives in Miami with her father after her parents divorce. She remains there until her summer with Otto. None of the action of this book happens in Miami, but it is important because Sophie is very much out of place when she arrives there. Even though she has friends at school, she feels like an outsider in Miami. However, she tries to adapt.