What is the setting of Emma by Jane Austen?

The novel is set in England during the early 1800's. This is the time in which Austen herself lived, and her descriptions of the landscape are very vivid. The setting is quite pastoral in nature and covers life in a small country village outside of London.
Although other places are spoken of, at times in length, the entire novel takes place in one location, Highbury. This village is described as idyllic and a very peaceful place to live. You have the usual village vicar, stores, boarding houses and manors that dotted the English countryside during the 19th century.
You are placed in the midst of the well-to-do of Highbury and do not venture beyond these constraints during the novel. While some of the poorer places of Highbury are visited, the majority of the time is spent at the manors and houses of the rich society members.
Highbury is a very typical English country village, full of people that were common during this time. You have everyone in their proper place in society and the setting is defined by this society.