Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston
Who is William Weston?

William Weston is the main character in Ecotopia. He lives in New York, where he is the top internal affairs reporter for the Times-Post. He has an ex-wife and two children, who he regrets leaving. He has a lover called Francine, who he sees on and off between his jobs.
Weston is sent on a special job by the Times-Post and the president of the United States. He is asked to go to Ecotopia and bring to light for all of America just what exactly is going on over there. He meets many people of Ecotopia who help him to understand the Ecotopian way. While touring an Ecotopian lumber camp, he meets a woman called Marissa Brightcloud. They have sex several times and he falls in love with her. After completing his assignment, Weston sends in the last post for his column, his diary, and notice that he has decided to stay in Ecotopia with Marissa.