Driving Miss Daisy
How does Alfred Uhry use imagery in Driving Miss Daisy?

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Jill W
Imagery is present in the stage direction. These directions are reflected in the film.
In the dark we hear a car ignition turn on, and then a horrible crash. Bangs and booms and wood splintering. When the noise is very loud, it stops suddenly and the lights come up on Daisy Werthan’s living room, or a portion thereof. Daisy, age 72, 1s wearing a summer dress and high heeled shoes. Her hair, her clothes, her walk, everything about her suggests bristle and feist and high energy. She appears to be in excellent health. Her son, Boolie Werthan, 40, is a businessman, Junior Chamber of Commerce style. He has a strong, capable air. The Werthans are Jewish, but they have strong Atlanta accents.
Driving Miss Daisy