Dreamland Burning
Where is the first foreshadowing?
i need the first sentence of foreshaddowing

i need the first sentence of foreshaddowing
The opening scene includes foreshadowing that will only be explained near the end of the novel. Rowan walks past “the place where he died” (3) and the reader will later learn this is where a homeless black man named Arvin is pushed into oncoming traffic. She also talks about the way the city has changed since 1921, which is a reference to the race riots that took hundreds of lives and resulted in the destruction of an entire black neighborhood called Greenwood. Rowan also mentions that “history only moves forward in a straight line when we learn from it” (4), which indicates that she has learned something important. The reader eventually discovers that Rowan learns about the historical events that took place in Tulsa in 121, and that she wants to change things for the better during her lifetime. Finally, Rowan is on the way to talk to the district attorney, which indicates she is taking some stand to make a difference.
Dreamland Burning, BookRags