Downright Dencey
What is the main conflict in Downright Dencey by Caroline Dale Snedeker?

Dencey's dilemma begins when she throws a rock at Sammie Jetsam, an outcast often ridiculed by everyone in town. Dencey feels overcome by guilt and wickedness and is devastated when Sammie will not accept her apology. Dencey is determined to make it up to Sammie. One thing leads to another, and Dencey finds herself agreeing to teach Sammie to read in exchange for forgiveness.
Dencey must lie and break the rules in order to keep her promise to Sammie. Dencey is found out and is punished by her mother. Nothing will make Dencey change her mind about helping Sammie and maintaining their friendship. Dencey continues to get into trouble. Lydia cannot understand the sudden and drastic change in Dencey. Dencey's devotion becomes clear when she sneaks out in the night to prevent Sammie from sailing away with the horrible Professor Snubshoe, a man who Dencey is convinced will ruin Sammie's soul. Dencey gets lost and nearly dies. Sammie saves Dencey and gains respect from the Coffyns.
Downright Dencey