Don Quixote
The Adventure of Don Quixote
Aside from too much reading, what otger factors do you think affected Don Quixote's loss of sanity? Do you see yourself getting insane because of the same factors you mentioned?

Aside from too much reading, what otger factors do you think affected Don Quixote's loss of sanity? Do you see yourself getting insane because of the same factors you mentioned?
Quixote loses himself in his obsession. He is searching for adventure, looking to restore what he believes was a better time. Unfortunately, he lives in a world of fantasy that completely blocks out the real world. His purpose has no basis, and yet he gains the fame he searches for and is somewhat successful in his quest.... partially due to a little help from his friends. Don Quixote has the background and the knowledge, he is well versed in chivalry and the knightly code. He cannot, however, physically perform in the capacity of knight, and he is repeatedly beaten down. When Quixote becomes ill, he regains his sanity and renounces the knight errant.
Note, in my opinion, a person can never read too much..... it is the immersion in something that becomes an obsession that harms the mind..... the preopensity to take oneself out of reality and into fantasy in order to live someone else's reality.