Does My Head Look Big In This?
Name and describe Amal's friends.

Amal has a variety of friends, even though she only started attending McCleans Prep the previous year. She has a friend named Simone who struggles with a negative body image, but who is funny, smart, and kind. Another friend of Amal's is Adam, on whom Amal has a crush. Amal's friend Eileen is Japanese-Australian and has a very dry sense of humor. Amal is also friends with a boy named Josh, who appears to have a crush on Simone. Amal's friend Yasmeen has a Pakistani father and a British mother and she does not wear the hijab. Amal's friend Leila has been wearing the hijab full-time since Year Seven, when she and Amal had first met. Another friendship Amal has is with her cousin Samantha, who is a freshman at a university.