Does My Head Look Big In This?
Describe Amal's relationship with her mother.

Amal and her mother are very close and talk to each other about everything. Amal jokes that their level of closeness is antithetical to the very concept of adolescence, but she adds, "At least I can say there are always ways to provoke her into an argument" in order to "let off some steam," (4) since her mother is obsessive about the house being absolutely spotless and orderly. So on the rare occasion when she does "want to have a go at blaming [her] mum for every problem confronting" (4) her in her teenage world, she can just leave some crumbs on the counter or some other act of sloppiness that she knows will drive her mother nuts. On the whole, though, Amal loves, admires, and respects her mother a great deal and the two have a close bond.