Dilemma of a Ghost

States two difference in the cultures that Ama Atata Audio states in her book "Dilemma of a ghost

States two difference in the cultures that Ama Ata Audio state in her book Dilemma of a Ghost.

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One way in which Aidoo illustrates the difference in cultures is through her characters. Ato's wife is considered by the women in his family to be a black-white woman, and they make no secret of their disappointment. Eulalie is American, she isn't from an approved tribe.... she has no tribe. She doesn't fit in, and no one even attempts to help her fit in.

Eulalie also chooses to use birth control in a culture where having children is a fundamental part of life.... a source of status. Ato lies to his family about the reason they are not expecting a child, and Eulalie feels betrayed..... the chasm between them growing larger, a chasm filled by Eulalie's use of alcohol.


Dilemma of a Ghost