Democracy in America
What is the theme in Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville?

Another theme is the impact of Democracy on Art Literature and Philosophy.Many of Tocqueville's arguments revolve around the effect of democracy on the crafts valued by the aristocracy. This insistence on the part of the author is because Tocqueville was himself part of France's aristocracy, and because his overall goal was to sell democracy to the ruling regime. One of the main arguments of the aristocrats for clinging to power was that by legislating with great intelligence, they were able to elevate the societies that they ruled upon. However, "elevating" society meant that the common people - who could admire but not aspire to the level of their rulers - had to suffer to attain an idealistic State of "greatness" was irrelevant to this idealistic regime. The aristocracy holds such intellectual crafts as art, literature and philosophy to have higher value for the good of people than material comfort and peace.