Dear Martin
What is the importance of the hoodie?

Justyce’s hoodie symbolizes racial profiling. While statistics and first-glance assumptions may be logical and natural supports for human decision-making, racial profiling relies on a complex scaffolding of assumptions and judgments that are ultimately illogical. When Officer Castillo handcuffs Justyce, he explains his first impression of Justyce: “I knew your punk ass was up to no good when I saw you walking down the road with that goddamn hood on” (8). Officer Castillo draws on his assumption that “punks” wear certain clothing that announces their identity and their criminal intention. However, he refuses to acknowledge that Justyce’s hoodie belongs to a well-known prep school and does not fit that stereotype. Despite these logical gaps, Officer Castillo persists in his racial profiling, making its injustice glaringly obvious.