Who is Monica from Confessions and what is their importance?

Monica is Augustine's mother. At first, she is more interested in Augustine fulfilling his promise as an intellectual and teacher. She is always concerned that Augustine be a moral man and not sin. Later, she is determined that he convert to Christianity and give up his lustful and sinful ways. Monica follows Augustine to Rome and Milan and lives to see him convert to Christianity. Her close association with Bishop Ambrose helps to inspire Augustine, and to get Augustine to study the sermons of Ambrose as well. At first, she assists in arranging a marriage proposal for Augustine, but she is overjoyed that Augustine decides to become a monk. When Monica sees that Augustine succeeds in not only converting, but devoting his life to the church, she feels her mission has been accomplished. Monica dies shortly after, in Italy, and is not able to return to Africa with Augustine. Augustine gives a detailed description of Monica's life and virtue, upon her death.