Clayton Byrd Goes Underground

What page is Cool Papa's funeral on in Clayton Byrd Goes Underground?

cool papa dies and jaunita wont allow blues music to be played at his funeral

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Pg. 20

Ms. Byrd and Clayton sat in the very front pew of the church, across from Cool Papa Byrd’s long, polished oak coffin.

Ms. Byrd didn’t cry, so Clayton didn’t cry, even though sadness filled almost every inch of his being. No matter how badly he felt, he couldn’t start crying. He didn’t want anyone to see him cry and feel sorry for him. Most important, he had a plan, and he couldn’t carry it out if his nose was full of snot and his throat was choked up. Clayton had slipped his blues harp in his pocket while he was getting dressed. Instead of reading a poem or a farewell letter like Omar had read at his grandfather’s funeral, Clayton decided to say his farewell in a simple blues scale in G.


Clayton Byrd Goes Underground